Ethos and Values

No challenge too big, no child too small – for with God nothing shall be impossible. Luke 1:37


At Great Wishford Primary School our Vision, Values and Ethos are interwoven throughout daily life. 

Our Christian Values guide our decision making within the classroom and at the SLT decision making level.

Creativity    Friendship   Respect   Perseverance   Service   Truthfullness  

We use clear definitions with our chidren to explain each of these values:

Creativity means we look for different ways to solve problems. 

Friendship means we care for each other in our community. 

Truthfulness means we are honest and tell the truth, to othesr and to ourselves. 

Service means we think about others and help when and how how we can. 

Perseverance means we keep trying, even if we can't do it the first time. 

Repect means showing respect to ourselves, each other and God's creation. 

We are ambitious for all in our school community and demonstrate this through the Great Wishford Way:

Celebrate: We provide opportunities to celebrate each other and ourselves through house points, weekly celebration services, Proud Clouds and peer nomination. We acknowledge and encourage each other to be our unique selves. 

Opportunity: Through our broad and balanced curriculum we offer opportunities for children to experience a range of subjects. We ensure children can access this learning by securing their mathematical, reading and writing skills. Through collective worship, clubs and our core and non-core subjects we open a door onto the world and invite our children to explore. 

Healthy: Children will only reach their full potential if they are healthy – both in body and mind. We spend time across the year exploring how to have an active life-style, make healthy eating choices, have healthy relationships and how to protect our mental health. We use Thrive across the school to support self-regulation and provide the vocabulary necessary for children to identify and name their feelings and responses. 

Connect: Great Wishford has a strong community spirit and history. We connect with this through our support of community events. PSHE, core and non-core subjects, reading spine, collective worship and charity work, allow us to connect with issues locally, nationally and internationally that are affecting our world in our time.

Grow: Explicit teaching of Growth Mindsets and being a learner means children acquire the knowledge and skills of life-long learning. Overcoming challenges and perseverance are qualities we identify and celebrate.  

Flourish: We expect children to leave Great Wishford being the best they can be. We challenge, support, encourage, motivate and provide experiences that ensure all are able to flourish. 

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